VIP 3000 Bench Tissue Processor - Laboratory Classifieds
VIP 3000 Bench Tissue Processor - Laboratory Classifieds


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VIP 3000 Bench Tissue Processor

Selected Ad
Category: Laboratory
Title: VIP 3000 Bench Tissue Processor
Ad Number: 2801
Date Posted: 5/12/2010
Contact: Medical Equipment Source Luigi Mascio BS, HT (ASCP)
364 Mars-Valencia Rd
Mars, PA 16046
Telephone: 724-369-1604

VIP 3000 Bench Tissue Processor

Tissue Tek VIP 3000 Tissue Processor. This automatic tissue processor provides ten programs for fixing, dehydrating, clearing and paraffin impregnating human, animal or plant specimens. Reagents as well as molten paraffin are moved in and out of the retort that contains the specimen by means of alternating pressure and vacuum. The fume control filtering and ventilation system provides a fume-free environment while minimizing the exposure of specimens to air. Program options include processing time for each station, reagent heat, use of alternating pressure/vacuum, and end of processing time with a full range of status, alarm and safety features. This processor has a 300 specimen capacity.


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